Oliver Sykes lives off a trust fund. It’s doled out to him in $5300 monthly increments that are controlled by his mother and the investment account she set up for him. This source of income has been complicated for Oliver throughout his adult life, both enabling him to overly depend on it and in turn limiting his independence, and also causing rifts in his relationship with his mom. He’s currently trying to get a tutoring company off the ground, and makes about $200 a week from tutoring work. He’s gone through various jobs and careers over the years, and his steady income from the trust fund has allowed him to bail out of jobs that he eventually grew disillusioned with. He has also struggled with mental health through his adulthood, which has directly affected his ability to work. His father has also suffered from mental health issues, include schizophrenia (which Oliver has been diagnosed with as well), and there are many parallels between his father’s life and his own. He talks about the complexities of his dependence on the trust fund, the rocky relationship he and his mom have had, and the way his mental health has impacted his life in a wild ride of a story.